gardening resources


Having recently moved here (Phoenix) from the Pacific Northwest, where it seems like everyone + their brother/mother/neighbor/barista gardens, its a surprise to find that we’re among the few, at least among the regulars that we know, that garden fairly passionately. Oh, I’m sure that there are a lot out there, its just that we don’t seem to know very many. We do, however, seem to know a lot of people who are interested in starting to garden, or adding some new veggies to their repetoire. Lately people have been asking us where we get our gardening information- so we thought we’d share some of our favorite gardening resources:

The best thing we’ve found for growing in the desert is a vegetable growing calendar published by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.

The same group also puts out additional information. Just click on the link that says, “home + urban horticulture”.

Our favorite gardening book is Desert Gardening, Fruits + Vegetables, by George Brookbank. If you live in the Phoenix area, you do need to adjust a little bit, because its written for primarily growing in the Tucson region.

If you’re not in Phoenix, and looking for information of growing in your area, a good resource is always the statewide Master Gardeners Programs- I believe every state has one, and they are there to help educate people in their community. Just ask at your local nursery for information.

As far as other information, I find the articles at Renee’s garden, a seed company with some terrific varieties of vegetable seeds to be very useful- particularly the bits about growing tomatoes from seed.

There’s always your local nursery, in our case, Bakers, where they are always willing to help out, especially our favorite people there- Jim and Wayne. They’re also our key resources for chicken information! And if you’re thinking about getting chickens, Jim can help…and who wouldn’t want help from a guy who named his toughest looking chick, “Jack Chicklson“!

There are a host of other resources out there, but we just wanted to mention a few. We’re also always perusing different seed catalogs, magazines, books and articles for updated growing information.

Happy gardening!